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When Is A Total Ankle Replacement Surgery Recommended?

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When is a total ankle replacement surgery recommended? 

Ankle pain can become a cause of hindrance in a person's daily activities. If you are facing the problem of acute ankle pain, you need to visit an orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon will recommend the treatment based on the condition and severity of your ankle pain. 

Total ankle replacement surgery is recommended under certain conditions of ankle pain. It is not necessary for every person who is experiencing normal ankle pain. Some conditions are following:

  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Infection 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Bone fracture

An orthopedic surgeon can recommend the surgery if it is really important and is the last option for your recovery. Otherwise, they can recommend other options.

The total ankle replacement procedure is for people who do not have any deformities or broken bones. A person who is not so active but healthy and lightweight will experience fast outcomes. Total ankle replacement is a more natural process that preserves the patient's motion and satisfaction.   

What is total ankle replacement?

Total ankle replacement is also known as ankle arthroplasty. It is a surgical process of treating ankle pain and related issues due to arthritis. This treatment procedure replaces the defaced cartilage and bone of the affected ankle with artificial implants made up of plastic or metal. When treated with a new plastic or metal joint, an ankle joint with a damaged tibia and talus will retain more ability and help in experiencing comfort. 

Advantages of ankle replacement surgery

In the ankle replacement process, the ankle joint will have more ability to move freely. Moreover, this surgery will protect the neighboring joints of the area from increasing damage and alleviate the chances of arthritic deterioration. 

Precautions for surgery

There is no need to be afraid when anyone hears the word surgery. During the surgery, the patient is unconscious, so they don't need to worry. There are pain killers, too, to deal with the pain of post-surgery. It is better to wear a brace, splint, or cast after surgery to prevent your ankle from any potential damage from sudden movements during the healing process. 

When do you need to visit an orthopedic​ surgeon?

If you have severe and abnormal pain in your ankle and other medications and bracing are not working, it would be best to visit an orthopedic surgeon immediately to treat your ankle issue properly before getting into serious trouble. They will help you make things easier and provide you relief from ongoing pain and immobility with their experience and knowledge.

Contact an ankle replacement surgery clinic near you to learn more.
